(表示强调)就是同一个;同一个, 完全一样;
Is long afterbirth above the buttock how one and the same?
互联网Are hand and crural desquamate how one and the same? How should prevent?
手和脚脱皮是怎么一回事? 要怎么样来预防?
互联网It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same ( person ).
她在 姑姑 的脸颊上 匆匆 吻了一下.
互联网One and the same idea occurred to each of them.
互联网Joseph interpreted the two symbols as one and the same things and Pharaoh believed him.
互联网Are leukaemia and septicemia one and the same?
白血病与败血症是一回事 吗 ?
互联网Is leukaemia how one and the same?
互联网Different timbres and different strings play one and the same soft and sweet serenade.
互联网They are of one and the same sort, you have been cheated.
他们都是一路货, 你被骗了.
互联网The skin often can appear little red place, be how one and the same?
皮肤会经常出现小红点, 是怎么一回事 呢 ?
互联网Is operation of acne scar rehabilitate how one and the same?
互联网The smoke creature and the monster are one and the same.
互联网What he said yesterday and what I said just now are one and the same.
互联网Are deputy psoriasis and psoriasis one and the same?
副银屑病和银屑病是一回事 吗 ?
互联网When blood pressure low when tall, is this how one and the same?
血压时低时高, 这是怎么一回事?
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